The Martha Window

The Martha & Lazarus Window

The 'Martha and Her Sister and Lazarus Window' or the 'Sourbutts Memorial Window' is located in the Side Chapel on the south side of the Church. (Click on image to enlarge)

The banner at the top reads:
'Now Jesus loved Martha and her Sister and Lazarus'

The inscription at the bottom reads:
'In loving memory of Sergt Major George and Lizzie Sourbutts, Verger 1911 Ob. 1918 Sergt Alfred George Bailey Ob. 15 November 1927
Marjorie Miller C.A.Z.M.S. Sanawar Ob. Quetta 31 May 1935'


The wording in the banner comes from the Bible: John 11:5 (KJV)


On 31 May 1935, a large earthquake struck the Balochistan region, near Quetta in Pakistan. The Quetta earthquake, as it was named, completely devastated the city of Quetta, killed between 35,000 to 60,000 people and injured thousands more in the region.



























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