On Wednesday November 11th at 3.30pm we will be holding a Christmas Christingle Celebration for children in Get Set and Adventurers
This will be the final session of term before clubs break up for Christmas.
Children will need to be accompanied by an adult for this session please. We apologise that we cannot supervise unaccompanied children at this event.
We will begin with Christingle-making for the whole family and then go through into church for a short, fun Christingle celebration, where we will hear the Christmas story, sing some Christmas songs, and light our Christingle candles! The session will finish before 5.00pm.
As this activity involves lighting candles, all children attending must be accompanied by an adult who will take responsibility for their safety please.
We will provide all the materials that parents/carers need to make Christingles with the children. Any brothers and sisters who would like to join in are very welcome to come along too! There is no charge for this activity but in order to buy enough resources for everyone we need to know who is coming.
Please book HERE to attend with your children. Please book a ticket for each child attending who will make a christingle. It is not necessary to book tickets for adults but you will be asked to give the name of the adult attending with the children. Thank you.
We look forward to seeing you!